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Sharing Themes, Developing People

Life is essentially about people. A nation's greatest strength are its people.

To develop people, it is necessary to first give them a propelling impulse and then guide them holistically as they push onward in their respective endeavors.

This propelling impulse essentially comes from the sharing of ideas,themes and principles.I would like to take this opportunity to share some of India's finest management themes with you.

I have hitherto been sharing these themes through a program titled 'Managerial Mahabharata' which I have been conducting in India.The popularity of the program led me to believe that these themes should reach a global audience.

The 'Mahabharata' is one of India's ancient epics.It is a vast treasure house of ideas,themes and principles dealing with management, administration, talent development , negotiation skills, stakeholder management , objective setting, time management ,work excellence,motivation and strategy, to name a few topics of immediate relevance to modern life.

'Managerial Mahabharata' has been designed by myself to bring these treasures to modern India and enrich work lives. It is essentially an interactive program for classroom audiences but that is no reason why these ideas,themes and principles should not reach a larger global community.When you are able to relate to an idea, theme or principle, it goes straight to the heart and you are able to apply it to your daily work life, enriching it.

One such management theme worth sharing is as follows :

“Fortune comes only to the industrious lion among men: it is only weaklings who say that we have to take what fate brings to us.

Give up this dependence on fate and express your talents through the strength of self reliance. What harm is there if no results come even after you have put forth your best efforts?

It is verily through industriousness that we accomplish what is to be achieved, not through vain day dreaming; no deer are going to oblige a lion and enter in to its mouth while it is lazily asleep.”

This is a strong theme to mull over in this age of innovation and startups,encouraging entrepreneurs to persevere in their efforts to be different, take the road less traversed and dare to do things differently without being unduly bothered by what their detractors have to say about them.

Societies change but values remain eternal.

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